How to get a subscription on Onepark?
In order to get a subscription with Onepark, you first need to sign up for your Onepark account. Go on Onepark's homepage and click on "Are you searching for a monthly subscription?"
After informing the needed car park area, we will show you a list of potential car parks you can subscribe to. Once you find the right car park, please enter the starting and ending dates and then click on the "subscription" tab in order to see the differents subscriptions offers for the designated car park.
Only two informations will be requested through the subscribtion process : the model and licence plate of the vehicle. Subscription can be done during the on-going month and will be calculated according to the reservation date.
Please note : with Onepark, subscriptions are without obligation and without automatic renewal. No lease agreement will be necessary. Your subscription gives you full access to the car park and unlimited entries and exits.
Read the help center or contact our customer service.