Congress Center

On the 14th of March from 10:00 to 11:00 am

Do you want to have fun in Angers? Visit the Congress Center and attend the concerts and events organized there. Entrust the search for your parking space to the Onepark service to save time.

Location of the Congress Center

The Congress Center is located in the heart of a botanical park in downtown Angers. This meeting place is 10 minutes from the TGV station.

History of the Congress Center

The Congress Center was inaugurated in 1983. Renovation works are planned between October 2017 and December 2018. This renovation project aims to increase the reception capacity and equip the Congress Center with modern equipment. A new multipurpose room with an area of ​​400 m² is planned at the back of the building.

The specificities of the Congress Center

The Congress Center has an auditorium serving as a concert hall and meeting room. This space includes devices to optimize the acoustic rendering. It regularly hosts concerts given by the National Orchestra of the Pays de la Loire and performances of Angers-Nantes Opera. The auditorium has a total of 1,200 seats, including 690 on the ground floor and 510 on a mezzanine. Shows organized by private providers are also held, as well as various conferences.

Forget all your worries related to parking in the city center of Angers. The Onepark service offers you different solutions at affordable rates. Use the secure payment methods put in place and save up to 60% on your parking.

Parking near the Congress Center

Find and book your parking space near the Congress Center of Angers before your arrival. Reserve your place with ease on the Onepark service website . An even more practical tip is to download the Onepark app on your smartphone.